Ministries & Clubs
The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima meets and recites the Rosary each Tuesday at 12:30 P.M. in the church. The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fátima, now mostly known as the World Apostolate of Fátima, is a public international association of the Christian faithful that has as its general purpose “the promotion of the authentic teaching of the Roman Catholic Church and the strict adherence to the tenets of the Gospel; the personal sanctification of adherents through faithful adherence to the Message of Our Lady of Fátima and the promotion of the common good by the spreading of that Message of Fátima”.
First Tuesday of the month at 6:30 P.M. except July & January
The Huntington Catholic Youth Group is a joint parish organization for the 7th through 12th Grade Community offering Fellowship Through Faith. Meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month running from 4:30 P.M. to 6:15 P.M. at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Hall. Please wear a mask.
The ECCHO Food Pantry is located east of our Parish in Milton, WV. Our Parish collects food and dry goods for this ministry to “the poorest of the poor.” Items can be left in the ECCHO cabinets in the vestibule of the church for pick up.
Held on Monday mornings at 10:00, this program challenges you to grow your faith. The program is repeated on Thursdays at 6:30 P.M., with all classes being held in the Parish Hall.
Our Homebound Ministry provides the most precious gift of the Holy Eucharist to those recovering from illness and surgery, and our elderly and homebound. We also attempt to provide friendship and a family connection to the church.
Our Parish offers Coffee & Doughnuts after Sunday Masses and Potluck Suppers for food, fun, & fellowship.
Our newly formed Knights of Columbus Council #17096 encourages practicing Catholic men ages 18 to 80 to join us in service to our local Church and community. They meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 P.M. They work closely with the School along with the Church itself. For further information e-mail Randy Quimby or get information online at
The ladies of our Parish offer to host a luncheon for the funeral party for funerals held at our church. Call the Parish Office to volunteer.
Our Parish supports the Right to Life of all persons at every stage of their lives. Forty Days for Life
The ladies of our parish meet on Mondays from 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. to share fellowship and work on their Hat and Scarves projects. They also use plastic bags to create “plarn” for waterproof mats for the homeless. If you know how to knit or crochet, please help the residents of Branches Domestic Violence Center, Ronald McDonald House,Golden Girls, Harmony House and the Huntington City Mission by knitting or crocheting a scarf for them. Scarf Project
We will teach you how to knit or crochet if you want to learn. All are welcome.
Soul Core is a movement that combines core strengthening, stretching & functional exercises with the prayers of the rosary; a sensory experience combining candlelight,music, scripture, reflections & movement to nourish body, mind & soul and encourage deeper meditation on the mysteries & virtues of the rosary. Search Facebook for #olof_soulcore
In Jerusalem there is a section to the east of the old wall that once surrounded the ancient Temple called “The Wailing Wall.” For centuries pious Jews would go to this area and write their urgent prayer requests on a piece of material and place the material within the cracks of the wall. They would stand there for hours and pray while others would come to the wall and take out the prayer requests that others had placed in the cracks and pray for them as a sign of solidarity and support for the person who was in dire need.
We of the Parish have launched our own version of the “Wailing Wall.” The area dedicated for this purpose is at the back area of the Church where the statue of the Sacred Heart is located. There is a cork board placed there with stick pins. We invite anyone to write on a piece of paper their urgent prayer requests, pray for them there and then leave their written prayer requests pinned to the wall. We then invite others to stop by during the day, pick out one of the prayer requests, and pray about what is written on the paper. When you are done praying, initial the back of the sheet, letting the person know that someone prayed for their need, and stick the paper back on the board for someone else to pray over at another time.
How comforting it will be to the person in need to know that others are literally praying for their urgent need, people whom they may never meet or get to know…..
The primary function of the Altar Servers is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass. It is an extreme privilege to kneel so close to the altar as our loving Savior, Jesus Christ, becomes truly present, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity upon the altar. A server can be any person who has received first confession and Holy Communion. All servers will go through a training program. To volunteer, contact the Coordinator or phone the Parish Office at 304-525-0866.
The Parish Altar Society is reponsible for preparation of the Sacred Altar Cloths used weekly by laundering and ironing. To volunteer, contact the Parish Office at 304-525-0866.
Held on Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the Parish School, this program is Faith Formation for students in K thru 8th grade who attend public school or are home-schooled. Volunteers are needed as teachers and as support services throughout the year. To volunteer, contact the Parish Office.
The ladies of our Parish clean the church each weekend and for special events. Addionally, they maintain the flowers for the altar. If you would like to volunteer for a weekend or a special event, contact Parish Office at 304-525-0866.
The ladies of our Parish maintain the ferns and flowers for the altar, ensuring that there are fresh flowers on the altar every week. Addionally, they decorate the church for all seasons, especially, Easter, Christmas, and Thanksgiving. If you would like to volunteer for a week or a special event, contact Parish Offices at 304-525-0866.
Our gift shop is located in the vestibule of church. It is opened after weekend Masses. If you would like to volunteer to cover shifts for the gift shop, contact the Parish Office at 304-525-0866.
Our Homebound Ministry provides the most precious gift of the Holy Eucharist to those recovering from illness and surgery, and our elderly and homebound. We also attempt to provide friendship and a family connection to the church. If you would like to volunteer to assist with this ministry, contact the Church Office at 304-633-6978.
When funerals are held at our church, the ladies of our Parish offer to host a luncheon for the funeral party. Volunteers are always needed to assist with this loving gift to the grieving family. The Parish furnishes the meat course and volunteers bring their offerings of side dishes. Volunteers are needed to assist with setup, maintaining the buffet and drinks, and of course, cleanup. To volunteer, contact the Parish Office at 304-525-0866.
Volunteers are needed to provide the reading of The Word at daily and weekend Masses in a clear and strong voice. To volunteer, contact the Parish Office at 304-525-0866.
In order to maintain our school and church grounds in good operating condition and to minimize costs, we need volunteers throughout the year to paint, landscape, remove snow, do carpentry, electrical, HVAC repair and general upkeep and cleaning. If you are skilled in maintenance & repair, contact the Parish Office at 304-525-0866. If you can volunteer to help weed, dig, plant, landscape, etc., contact the Parish Office at 304-525-0866.
If you would like to provide joy through singing or playing a musical instrument then your talents would be greatly appreciated. Our Lady of Fatima provides music at all weekend Masses, funeral Masses, evening prayer services and most holiday Masses. We rehearse one hour before scheduled Mass or events in the Choir Room in church. For addional information, contact the Parish Office at 304-525-0866.
For it was You who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13.
If you know how to knit or crochet, please help the residents of Branches Domestic Violence Center, Ronald McDonald House,Golden Girls, Harmony House and the Huntington City Mission by knitting or crocheting a scarf for them. Scarf Project
We will teach you how to knit or crochet if you want to learn.
Our Parish supports those in need in our community through regular Stewardship collections that provide funds to assist those experiencing hardship with utility payments. We also maintain a “furniture” shed where we collect used furniture that is redistributed to those who have a need. We need your “lovingly” used furniture and we need volunteers to help deliver these items. To volunteer, contact Susie Smith at 304-417-1697.
If you would like to volunteer to serve as an usher at weekend Masses and welcome people to our church, provide assistance to those with questions or special needs, assist with the offering collection, maintain the church after Masses by picking up bulletins, etc. then contact the Church Office at 304-733-6655.