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“My beloved, may every fall, even if it is serious and habitual sin, always become for us a small step toward a higher degree of perfection. In fact, the only reason why the Immaculate permits us to fall is to cure us from our self-conceit, from our pride, to make us humble and thus make us docile to the divine graces.”  ~ St. Maximilian Kolbe

Explore the virtue of humility with 12 quotes by the saints at the-powerful-weapon-these-12-saints-used-to-conquer-satan/. They are sure to inspire you in your journey to holiness and help you ward off evil.


“Relevant Radio” is essentially Catholic podcasting in an app. This is a free app that grants access to all the shows produced by Relevant Radio, available in live streaming or downloadable content. It also includes audio prayers, a Confession “helper,” and Catholic news from around the world. It’s perfect if you’re looking for ways to fill long commutes or travel with something more uplifting. Find the APP or listen at


Prayers of the Faithful

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, February 15-16, 2025

Blessed are those who place their trust in the Lord and so with confidence we bring our prayers before Him.

1. For our Church: May She live and proclaim the message of hope, mercy and forgiveness so clearly preached by Jesus in the Beatitudes, WE PRAY TO THE LORD …
2. That Christ’s love for the poor, the hungry, and the sorrowful may inspire His disciples in
their global efforts to care for every human need, WE PRAY TO THE LORD …
3. For the Pope’s prayer intention for February, for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life, WE PRAY TO THE LORD…
4. For Pilgrims of Hope in the Jubilee Year, may God’s grace reawaken in us the yearning to sow the seeds of the Gospel, WE PRAY TO THE LORD …
5. For all who are discouraged, may they find new hope through this community of faith, WE PRAY TO THE LORD …
6. For our Parish School, may it grow in holiness as the teachers, staff and students strive to live as Jesus teaches us in The Beatitudes, WE PRAY TO THE LORD …
7. For all catechumens and candidates: that they may receive the Gospel message as the word of life and grow in their knowledge and love of God, WE PRAY TO THE LORD…
8. For the sick, the homebound and the homeless, for all the intentions on our prayer lists, and for our personal intentions…. (pause 10 seconds), WE PRAY TO THE LORD …
9. May Christ, who commanded that the mysteries which proclaim His death be celebrated until His return, grant that all who die in Him may share in His resurrection and TO THE BENEFICIARY OF TODAY’S INTENTION…

Saturday – Feb 15:

5:00 p.m.: : Healing for Tom Eschleman

Sunday – Feb 16:

8:00 a.m.: Our Parishioners

11:00 a.m.: Mike McDonald


Lord, we ask that you hear our prayers and grant us hope and happiness through faith in your infinite love and generosity. We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Catholic Links

Abortion Facts
Abortion Information you can use…

American Catholic Youth
The place for Catholic teens on the web

Catechism of the Catholic Church
Second Edition English Translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Breaking News, World, U.S., Catholic, Diocese and Video News

Catholic Colleges is a friendly source of facts about Catholic schools in USA. You will find contact information, majors availability, and diploma selection, as well as nationwide, regional, and state rankings, campus safety ratings, and lists of local competitors for 253 Catholic schools.

Catholic News Agency
Breaking News, World, U.S., Catholic, Diocese and Video News
This site offers excellent resources for moms from religious coloring pages to helping explain concepts about our faith to our kids, to Catholic movie reviews, to sharing and learning about parenting and faith issues

Creighton Model
For a Natural Family Planning resource

Dynamic Catholic
At The Dynamic Catholic Institute we believe that millions of ordinary Catholics want to be involved in a movement that provides a game-changing strategy for the Church today. We are passionate about finding a way for every Catholic to play a role in the great renewal that everyone knows the Catholic Church desperately needs.

Eternal World Television Network
Global Catholic Network

Marriage Resources
Numerous resources on the meaning and beauty of marriage in God’s plan. Provides support to couples at every stage of their journey. Answers questions specific to planning a Catholic wedding as well as related Church documents and teachings.

Knights of Columbus and WV Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.6 million members. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, their communities, families and young people

Once Catholic
“I don’t know how I left the Church. There wasn’t really any one reason. Life moved on, and so did I. Career, relationships, other concerns…perhaps no one noticed I was gone. And maybe I wished someone would have come looking for me. But lately, I feel Some One has—is it God’s Spirit within, calling me home? Where can I re-connect?” Once can help with issues just like these and more

Pallottine Sisters
The Pallottine Sisters came to Huntington many years ago where they built and managed St. Mary’s Hospital. For many years, they also taught and managed Our Lady of Fatima Parish School.

Padre Pio Devotions
“Pray, pray to the Lord with me, because the whole world needs prayer. And every day, when your heart especially feels the loneliness of life, pray. Pray to the Lord, because even God needs our prayers.” – St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Pope Francis
The latest on Pope Francis from the Vatican. Use the language tab in the top right corner to change the page translation language.

Pope Paul VI Institute
For a Natural Family Planning resource

Project Rachel (Post Abortion Help)
Founded in 1990, the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation and Healing, Inc. networks researchers and psychotherapeutic professionals working in the field within the U.S. and abroad, consults on the formation of post-abortion support services within secular and religious settings including Project Rachel, provides training for care providers, maintains a national “800” referral line for those seeking assistance in reconciling an abortion experience, publishes the International Post-Abortion Support Services Directory, produces and vends audio, video, and printed materials, maintains an annotated book list, tracks support group models, and sponsors the Healing Vision conference at Marquette University.

Sunday Sermon Resources
The Sunday Website at Saint Louis University
Over 26,000 Catholic listings in the U.S., over 96,000 listings in countries around the world. Lookup churches, find Mass Times, view weekly bulletins, web sites, email addresses, maps, directions, staff, and other important information.

Video Catechism for Teens
As we begin the Year of Faith, announced by Pope Benedict XVI, the Diocese of Wheeling – Charleston is proud to introduce the Video Catechism for Teens.

Our Lady’s Appearance at Fatima

Fatima, in Portugal, was visited by Our Heavenly, Mother Mary. It was a Message of urgent concern, a practical plan for world peace and a promise from Heaven. It was Heaven’s interventions to save us from martyrdom, war, persecution, enslavement and annihilation. It was a way to save our souls from Hell. It was meant for every man, woman and child.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, appeared six times to three shepherd children; Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. It was near the town of Fatima, Portugal that the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God chose to appear. In 1917, it was an area that had remained faithful to the Catholic Church during the recent persecutions by the government. Between May 13 and October 13, 1917 the Blessed Virgin told the children that She had been sent by God with a message for every man, woman and child living in our century. Coming at a time when the world was torn apart by war and violence, She promised that God would grant peace to the entire world if Her requests for prayer, reparation and consecration were heard and obeyed.

The Messages from the Blessed Virgin repeatedly affirmed the urgency of praying the Rosary daily, of wearing the Brown Scapular of Mount Carmel and of committing acts of sacrifice and reparations. The essence of Our Lady’s Message to the world that she confided to Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco is referred to as the “Secret” which actually consisted of three parts. The first vision was publicly revealed as a horrifying vision of Hell and an urgent request for acts of sacrifice and prayer to save souls.

The second part of the Secret predicted the beginning of World War II and held the plea for the Consecration of Russia as a condition of world peace. It also predicted the assured triumph of Her Immaculate Heart following the consecration of Russia and the conversion to the Catholic Faith.

The visions also revealed that Jacinta and Francisco would be taken to Heaven soon, but that Lucia was to stay and that God had plans for her to spread the knowledge of Her Immaculate Heart. Jacinta and Francisco died in the influenza pandemic in 1919 and 1920. The two were later beatified, the last step to sainthood, by the late Pope John Paul during his Fatima visit in 2000.

The third and final Secret was revealed by the Vatican later than the other parts of the Secret. This part of the Secret predicted that, “a bishop dressed in white,” who the children said appeared to be the Pope, “was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him.” It was later confirmed by Lucia that it was indeed the Pope.

Later after the attempt on the Pope’s life on May 13, 1981 in St. Peter’s Square by a Turkish gunman named Mehmet Ali Agca, the Vatican confirmed the foretelling of the assassination of the Pope through the visions revealed in the Secret. The shooting took place on one of the anniversaries of the 1917 apparitions.

In gratitude for his life being saved, the late Pope had one of the 9mm bullets which were fired at him placed in the crown of the statue at Fatima.

Sister Lucia Dos Santos died on Sunday, February 13, 2005 at her Carmelite convent at Coimbra in central Portugal, where she had been living since the 1940s where she served the order of Carmelite Sisters.

Interesting Link
The Message Of Fatima

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