Why is the Stewardship collection important? Each month, we help families in need through the Cabell County Information & Referral Service (I & R). This is an organization that families in financial crisis may go to receive assistance with utility bills. While we may not always understand the circumstances that leads one to turn to others for help, it is our
Christian duty to provide. Pre-COVID, we had sufficient funds available to help at least 10 families with a maximum of $50.00.

Since COVID, our Stewardship funds have dwindled to approximately $1,800.00 on hand. We have asked I &R to limit the amount of assistance by 50%. We know that social & economic circumstances have limited the giving at the local level, but we ask that you open your heart to this worthy cause. We would like to see the Stewardship Fund increased to $4,000.00 on hand so we can continue this worthy mission.