About Sandy Mauk

This author has not yet filled in any details.
So far Sandy Mauk has created 99 blog entries.

Lenten Fish Dinners

Lenten Fish Dinners will resume, Friday, February 16th and take [...]

Lenten Fish Dinners2024-02-10T11:31:44-04:00

Lent Schedule

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb 14. We will have Masses [...]

Lent Schedule2024-02-03T12:49:53-04:00

Chili Cook Off

Knights of Columbus Chili Cook Off Sunday, January 7th after [...]

Chili Cook Off2024-01-06T10:53:38-04:00

Todos los Santos

Tendremos misa el jueves 2 de noviembre al mediodía en [...]

Todos los Santos2023-11-09T12:11:26-04:00
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